Answering A Few Questions Concerning Mole Removal

A mole is a common type of skin blemish, and while they are normally harmless, it is possible for a patient to need them removed. Sadly, this is a topic that many patients may not have a very thorough understanding about. If this applies to you, having the following three questions answered should help you to make informed decisions when it comes to mole removals. 

Why Would A Patient Need A Mole Removed?

In addition to potentially being an unsightly blemish, moles can also change as a person ages, which can pose significant health risks. For example, these changes may cause the mole to turn cancerous, and if the mole is not removed before this happens, it can be possible for the cancer to spread throughout the body before it is diagnosed. By having moles regularly inspected by a dermatologist, you will be able to have your moles evaluated and monitored, which can decrease this risk. When a mole starts to increase in size or change color, it can be a warning sign that it is at a higher risk of becoming cancerous. While these yearly skin checkups can be somewhat inconvenient, they can help ensure that any at-risk moles are removed before they have a chance to become cancerous. 

What Techniques Can Be Used For Mole Removal?

When it is necessary for the dermatologist to remove the mole, there are a few options that can be used. While it can be easy to assume that the doctor will always need to use a scalpel to remove moles, it is possible to freeze moles off. Additionally, lasers can be used to incinerate the mole. The best option will depend on the size and location of the mole, and your doctor will need to examine it before they can recommend a method of removal.  

Will Having A Mole Removed Be Painful?

Sadly, there are some people that may delay having a mole removed because they are concerned about this procedure being painful. Luckily, your doctor can use a local anesthetic to numb the area where the mole is located. As a result, you should feel little more than a pressure on the skin as the mole is removed. 

For the first few days after the removal, it will be important to closely follow the doctor's care instructions. Typically, this will include steps such as keeping the site clean, changing the bandaging and followup visits with the dermatologist. By making sure to follow these steps, you can help keep your risk of developing infections or scars as low as possible. 
